"I want an ARMY not an assembly!"
"It's time to turn the sheep into lions"
Your Supreme Commander- GOD

The 'new norm' is here. We are raising the barre in order to re-align the Remnant with GOD's plan and purpose. NUMA is for those who aren't satisfied with lukewarmness. NUMA is for those who have decided their Sunday Christianity is not enough; for those who want more of God. They are hungry for more training, mentoring, and application.
Spiritual warfare is at an all-time high as the forces of darkness have run rampant against the church. The church must prepare for the persecution ahead. Messages of affirmation and relevance are not enough to keep her protected from the attacks of her enemy. American Christianity has sent the church into a tailspin of self-promotion, self-love, and self-centeredness. It's time to leave the "self" behind and step into the uniform.
Healthy marriages are the strength of any nation. However, homes and families are being torn apart as the foundation of marriage is no longer upheld. The vessel of marriage is the greatest gift God gave to humanity, and the most targeted by the enemy. We are watching our children's indoctrination right before our eyes, losing them to the demons behind the liberal agenda while parents are too busy chasing the "American Dream".
Remember judgment comes to the house of God first. We are watching as the systems of the institutional church 'machine' come under subjection and psuedo-Christianity is finally being exposed. Let's step out of the brick and mortar and into the revolution! Out with the old and in with the new! NUMA is one of many church families who've decided to eliminate man-made tradition and allow the Holy Spirit to move unrestrained. Doug and Paige have offered their lives as servants to the Kingdom of God and promise to extend their love and fight for your families. Come and experience the NUMA difference!